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newBookmarkLockedFalling Bevelle
Darkmage 0 1,704 by Darkmage
Aug 23, 2007 12:54:18 GMT -5


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The largest city in Spira and center of the order of Yevon prior to the coming of the Eternal Calm, Bevelle is also the birthplace of Yuna. It was guarded by a giant wyvern named Evrae, who Tidus and co. killed on the Cid's Airship when going to save Yuna from Seymour. Interestingly, Bevelle made liberal use of machina even before the Eternal Calm, though they were forbidden by the scriptures. Even the grand maester of Yevon, Grandmaster Yo Mika, was unsent, despite the temples' edicts holding that it was the duty of summoners to send the souls of the dead. People who questioned Yevon's policies were thrown into the Via Purifico (Latin for "the Way of Purification", or "the Road of Purification"), a large underground sewer full of fiends. After Sin was defeated, the Yevon order was disbanded, but a new group based on Yevon—the New Yevon Party founded by Trema—took up residence. Aside from the Via Purifico, the areas under Bevelle include the resting place for Vegnagun, and the Via Infinito ("the Infinite Road") where the unsent spirit of Trema still live. The temple in Bevelle was home to the fayth of the aeon Bahamut.
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